Vivaz Homescreen and Ambient Light Enabler
Kokoro Modification Pack 0.4
Rotacja ekranu
Sony Ericsson iSync Plugin MOD by Raafat Akkad
How to recover 5MB on C:/
1. Delete C:\Private\102072c4\reserved.bin.
2. Make an empty text file called reserved.txt and copy it into C:\Private\102072c4\reserved.txt
How to change the 4 shortcuts on the Sony Ericsson
On the Sony Ericsson homescreen there are 4 different shortcuts, Dialler, Media Center, Messaging & Search. In order to change these 2001E96A.txt must be edited. I have attached a list of all the OS apps and their UID's.
Z:\sys\bin\About.exe (0x10005A22)
Z:\sys\bin\ailaunch.exe (0x102750F0)
Z:\sys\bin\akncapserver.exe (0x10207218)
Z:\sys\bin\aknnfysrv.exe (0x10281EF2)
Z:\sys\bin\alfredserver.exe (0x10282845)
Z:\sys\bin\AP_QO_FileManager.exe (0x2000CD2B)
Z:\sys\bin\AP_QuickPDF.exe (0x2000CD7F)
Z:\sys\bin\AppMngr.exe (0x101F8512)
Z:\sys\bin\audiomessage.exe (0x1020745A)
Z:\sys\bin\Autolock.exe (0x100059B5)
Z:\sys\bin\Blid.exe (0x101F85A0)
Z:\sys\bin\BrowserNG.exe (0x10008D39)
Z:\sys\bin\Btui.exe (0x10005951)
Z:\sys\bin\BVA.exe (0x101F4CE5)
Z:\sys\bin\Calcsoft.exe (0x10005902)
Z:\sys\bin\Calendar.exe (0x10005901)
Z:\sys\bin\Cbsuiapp.exe (0x101F4CD3)
Z:\sys\bin\CertSaver.exe (0x100059D2)
Z:\sys\bin\ChatNG.exe (0x101F4673)
Z:\sys\bin\Clockapp.exe (0x10005903)
Z:\sys\bin\CodViewer.exe (0x10008D4A)
Z:\sys\bin\ConnectionMonitorUi.exe (0x101F84D0)
Z:\sys\bin\Conversation_2001EB58.exe (0x2001EB58)
Z:\sys\bin\converter.exe (0x101F4668)
Z:\sys\bin\Cshelp.exe (0x10005234)
Z:\sys\bin\DdViewer.exe (0x10008D3F)
Z:\sys\bin\defaultappserver.exe (0x10281B9C)
Z:\sys\bin\DRMRightsManager.exe (0x101F85C7)
Z:\sys\bin\eswt.exe (0x101F9516)
Z:\sys\bin\EtsiLockApp.exe (0x20024EFF)
Z:\sys\bin\FileManager.exe (0x101F84EB)
Z:\sys\bin\FMRadio.exe (0x10207A89)
Z:\sys\bin\fotaserver.exe (0x102072C4)
Z:\sys\bin\GoogleMaps_2000CEA3.exe (0x2000CEA3)
Z:\sys\bin\googlenav_handler_2000CEA6.exe (0x2000CEA6)
Z:\sys\bin\GSApp.exe (0x100058EC)
Z:\sys\bin\gulp_2000A321.exe (0x2000A321)
Z:\sys\bin\HsBrowser.exe (0x2000AFCC)
Z:\sys\bin\ImageEditor.exe (0x101FFA91)
Z:\sys\bin\imageprintui.exe (0x1020E470)
Z:\sys\bin\ImageViewer.exe (0x101F4D90)
Z:\sys\bin\javadrmmanager.exe (0x1028246E)
Z:\sys\bin\Labyrinth.exe (0x200243D6)
Z:\sys\bin\Landmarks.exe (0x101F85A2)
Z:\sys\bin\lcapp.exe (0x10283139)
Z:\sys\bin\lcdui.exe (0x101F9515)
Z:\sys\bin\LmkMsgViewer.exe (0x101F85C1)
Z:\sys\bin\locpossettingsapp.exe (0x1028313B)
Z:\sys\bin\locsettingsuiserver.exe (0x10281861)
Z:\sys\bin\Logs.exe (0x101F4CD5)
Z:\sys\bin\LWPlayer.exe (0x102824CD)
Z:\sys\bin\Mce.exe (0x100058C5)
Z:\sys\bin\MCPAPictBridgeApp.exe (0x10200AE8)
Z:\sys\bin\MCPAPlayViewApp.exe (0x2000CC57)
Z:\sys\bin\MediaCenter.exe (0x101F8599)
Z:\sys\bin\MediaPlayer.exe (0x10005A3E)
Z:\sys\bin\MediaSettings.exe (0x10005A3F)
Z:\sys\bin\Menu3.exe (0x101F4CD2)
Z:\sys\bin\MessageViewer.exe (0x20002CD9)
Z:\sys\bin\Minitube_0x2000FBBA.exe (0x2000FBBA)
Z:\sys\bin\mmsviewer.exe (0x100058DF)
Z:\sys\bin\MobileDMS_0x2001F0C6.exe (0x2001F0C6)
Z:\sys\bin\mpx.exe (0x102072C3)
Z:\sys\bin\MsgMailEditor.exe (0x101F4CD6)
Z:\sys\bin\MsgMailViewer.exe (0x101F4CE4)
Z:\sys\bin\MsgUrlHandler.exe (0x1000A7FC)
Z:\sys\bin\MyLook.exe (0x2000460E)
Z:\sys\bin\Notepad.exe (0x10005907)
Z:\sys\bin\notviewer.exe (0x101F86A0)
Z:\sys\bin\NpdViewer.exe (0x1000599D)
Z:\sys\bin\NSmlDMSync.exe (0x101F6DE5)
Z:\sys\bin\NSmlDSSync.exe (0x101F6DE4)
Z:\sys\bin\Pbk2ServerApp.exe (0x10207277)
Z:\sys\bin\peninputserver.exe (0x10281855)
Z:\sys\bin\Phonebook2.exe (0x101F4CCE)
Z:\sys\bin\PhoneUi.exe (0x100058B3)
Z:\sys\bin\Postcard.exe (0x10207247)
Z:\sys\bin\ProfileApp.exe (0x100058F8)
Z:\sys\bin\Psln.exe (0x10005A32)
Z:\sys\bin\PushViewer.exe (0x10008D3C)
Z:\sys\bin\QO_FileManager.exe (0x200002C0)
Z:\sys\bin\qtn_peninputsetting_app_file.exe (0x2001959B)
Z:\sys\bin\QuickmanagerOEM.exe (0x2000747F)
Z:\sys\bin\QuickPDFStub.exe (0x2000745E)
Z:\sys\bin\Quickpoint.exe (0x200002C3)
Z:\sys\bin\Quicksheet.exe (0x200002C2)
Z:\sys\bin\Quickword.exe (0x200002C1)
Z:\sys\bin\r2remailwizard.exe (0x2001E9B3)
Z:\sys\bin\r2rinternetwizard.exe (0x2001E9AB)
Z:\sys\bin\RoadSync.exe (0x20002CE2)
Z:\sys\bin\RoapApp.exe (0x10008D64)
Z:\sys\bin\SAFlash.exe (0x101FD693)
Z:\sys\bin\Satui.exe (0x101F4CE0)
Z:\sys\bin\SchemeApp.exe (0x101F8532)
Z:\sys\bin\screensaver.exe (0x100056CF)
Z:\sys\bin\secameraapp.exe (0x101F857A)
Z:\sys\bin\senduilauncher.exe (0x102823C5)
Z:\sys\bin\SendUiSr.exe (0x102823B5)
Z:\sys\bin\ServiceMenu.exe (0x1000B0E2)
Z:\sys\bin\Setup.exe (0x10205A1B)
Z:\sys\bin\SilentInstall.exe (0x2001EA01)
Z:\sys\bin\SmsPreview_20022B36.exe (0x20022B36)
Z:\sys\bin\SmsViewer.exe (0x100058BD)
Z:\sys\bin\Speeddial.exe (0x1000590A)
Z:\sys\bin\SrchUiApp.exe (0x10282411)
Z:\sys\bin\StargateMtmInstall.exe (0x20002CDC)
Z:\sys\bin\StargateMtmUninstall.exe (0x20002CE0)
Z:\sys\bin\Startup.exe (0x100058F4)
Z:\sys\bin\SVGTViewerApp.exe (0x101F874A)
Z:\sys\bin\SWInstSvrUI.exe (0x101F875A)
Z:\sys\bin\SyncScheduler.exe (0x20002CE3)
Z:\sys\bin\SysAp.exe (0x100058F3)
Z:\sys\bin\TouchScreenCalib.exe (0x102828BC)
Z:\sys\bin\TrackID.exe (0x2001F09A)
Z:\sys\bin\trui.exe (0x2000B104)
Z:\sys\bin\UISettingsSrv.exe (0x10207839)
Z:\sys\bin\UniEditor.exe (0x102072D8)
Z:\sys\bin\usbclasschangeui.exe (0x102068E2)
Z:\sys\bin\UseNow.exe (0x20011FCF)
Z:\sys\bin\Ussd.exe (0x10005955)
Z:\sys\bin\VedSimpleCutVideo.exe (0x200009DF)
Z:\sys\bin\videotelui.exe (0x101F8681)
Z:\sys\bin\viewmode.exe (0x102013F5)
Z:\sys\bin\vm.exe (0x100058F5)
Z:\sys\bin\VoiceRecorder.exe (0x100058CA)
Z:\sys\bin\WebPublisher.exe (0x2001E9EB)
Z:\sys\bin\WebUploadProgress.exe (0x2001E9EE)
Z:\sys\bin\WidgetUi.exe (0x10282822)
Z:\sys\bin\wlansniffer.exe (0x10281CAA)
Z:\sys\bin\wsfaihelper.exe (0x10281CEB)
In 2001E96A.txt there is
0x1400a int 0x2000A321 0 //First shortcut
0x1100a int 0x101F8599 0 //Second shortcut
0x1200a int 0x100058C5 0 //Third Shortcut
0x1300a int 0x2000A321 0 //Fourth Shortcut
For example, if I want to change the mediacenter shortcut to RealPlayer. I know that Realplayer's UID is "268458558" so the 0x1100a line becomes "0x1100a int 0x268458558 0 //Second shortcut". Once you have finished you should copy the file to C:/Private/10202BE9 and reboot the phone. It is also recomended to change the icon and can be done by editing
0x11001 string "z:\\resource\\apps\\sai\\Idlepanel\\MediaCenter.png" 0
0x11002 string "z:\\resource\\apps\\sai\\Idlepanel\\MediaCenter.png" 0
to the path of your custom icon. Images must be 48*48 pixels.
The UID's that I have given are only the Symbian OS apps, if you want to find an App's UID you must open the SIS file with SIS Contents to get the UID.
Po więcej informacji zapraszam tu - >
Started by dante, Sep 16 2011 17:48
1 reply to this topic
Posted 03 May 2012 - 20:12
Download :
To install:
Use a file manager to move the folders over. (Prefably X-Plore, )
Copy the folder 'COPY TO C;DRIVE' to the c;drive.
Copy the folders '10200B19' and '10202BE9' to C;Drive, Private. (If it asks you to overwrite select yes)
You must have the C2z patch set to auto for the acoustic modification pack to work.
Also the c2z patch must be made for every firmware (meaning if you reflash your phone you have to make a new one),
For how to make a c2z patch go to, (Raafat's guide)
Download c2z patch: http://www.sonyerics...2z-patch-maker/
Download :
Headphone sound has been increased.
Sound quality has been increased for the headphone.
Sound quality has been increased for the loud speaker.
Sound quality has been increased for the ringtone.
Audio volume level increased used by SMIL Player.
Media Player volume information Increased.
MPX Playback Volume Increased.
Earpiece and accessory speaker volume level used by phone application increased.
IHF speaker volume level used by phone application increased.
Added 'Extra' folder to BAM MOD.
Extra folder includes 'ALON MP3 Player/Dictaphone' this is an application which can increase the Headphone sound by using the editable built in EQ,
It is simple to use and is very good. I would reccomend using this Application for your Headphones only as it doesn't go well with the Loud speaker,
For the loud speaker you should use the normal media player preferably on the Megabass EQ.
P.S. the bass on this acoustic modification pack is amazing
Headphone sound has been increased.
Sound quality has been increased for the headphone.
Sound quality has been increased for the loud speaker.
Sound quality has been increased for the ringtone.
Audio volume level increased used by SMIL Player.
Media Player volume information Increased.
MPX Playback Volume Increased.
Earpiece and accessory speaker volume level used by phone application increased.
IHF speaker volume level used by phone application increased.
Added 'Extra' folder to BAM MOD.
Extra folder includes 'ALON MP3 Player/Dictaphone' this is an application which can increase the Headphone sound by using the editable built in EQ,
It is simple to use and is very good. I would reccomend using this Application for your Headphones only as it doesn't go well with the Loud speaker,
For the loud speaker you should use the normal media player preferably on the Megabass EQ.
P.S. the bass on this acoustic modification pack is amazing
To install:
Use a file manager to move the folders over. (Prefably X-Plore, )
Copy the folder 'COPY TO C;DRIVE' to the c;drive.
Copy the folders '10200B19' and '10202BE9' to C;Drive, Private. (If it asks you to overwrite select yes)
You must have the C2z patch set to auto for the acoustic modification pack to work.
Also the c2z patch must be made for every firmware (meaning if you reflash your phone you have to make a new one),
For how to make a c2z patch go to, (Raafat's guide)
Download c2z patch: http://www.sonyerics...2z-patch-maker/
Edited by not found, 11 May 2017 - 09:10.