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Download packages - Terms & conditions

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#1 OFFLINE   Mikołaj

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 20:34

Terms and conditions of Download packages purchase:

1. The only way to pay for Download package is PayPal.

2. After Download package purchase user will be moved into one of the following premium groups: Download mini (User +), Download opitma (Super User) or Download maxi (Super User +) (depends on which Download package will be purchased).

3. User can purchase one of the following data packages:

Download mini150 MB of data transfer available for 7 days for 1,25$ USD, 1€ EUR,
Download optima300 MB of data transfer available for 14 days for 2$ USD, 1,5€ EUR,
Download maxi900 MB of data transfer available for 30 days for 4$ USD, 3€ EUR.

4. After download package purchase user can download files from our download without any limits except server performance limitations and user's internet connection speed.

5. User will become a member of premium group in the moment of moving him to User+, Super User or Super User + group and that period expires after 7, 14 or 30 days.

6. User is obligated to contact with an administrator being online directly after download package purchase to confirm user data from PayPal account. Download package will be granted immediately after payment verification. Sony Ericsson World Team will do all best to grant download package as soon as it will be possible, but not later than till midnigt of the day, when download package has been purchased.

7. There is no refunds for unused data transfer.

8. Sony Ericsson World Team is doing all to ensure best quality and fully legal files in Sony Ericsson World forum download. If you will notice any damaged / incorrect file, please notice us about that using button "Plik uszkodzony?".

9. There is no refunds for any damaged / incorrect files or unsuccesful downloads coused by user's fault or internet connection problems.

10. User takes full responsibility for usage of downloaded files and agree to use them on his own risk. Sony Ericsson World Team is not responsible for any phones damaged by inappropriate usage of downloaded files.

Attention!!! Please do not use download managers, accelerators etc. (like Internet Download Manager) on download area because it will cause unpredicted behavior of download limit counter!

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