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[TUT] [ROOTING/UNROOTING] DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit [v4.0](zergRush Exploit)

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#1 OFFLINE   dante


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 00:07

Root działa na zablokowanym/odblokowanym bootloaderze

1. Ściągnij plik:
2. Wypakowujemy pliki.
3. Uruchamiamy  RUNME.bat i postępujemy zgodnie z instrukcją:

		Easy rooting toolkit (v4.0)
					created by DooMLoRD
		 using exploit zergRush (Revolutionary Team)
	Credits go to all those involved in making this possible!

[*] This script will:
	  (1) root ur device using latest zergRush exploit (21 Nov)
	  (2) install Busybox (1.18.4)
	  (3) install SU files (binary: 3.0.3 and apk: 3.0.6)

[*] Before u begin:  
	  (1) make sure u have installed adb drivers for ur device
	  (2) enable "USB DEBUGGING"
			from (MenuSettingsApplicationsDevelopment)
	  (3) enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES"
			from (MenuSettingsApplications)
	  (4) [OPTIONAL] increase screen timeout to 10 minutes
	  (5) connect USB cable to PHONE and then connect to PC
	  (6) skip "PC Companion Software" prompt on device

4. Po około minucie cieszymy się root'em na telefonie.


!!! UWAGA !!!
Unroot może być tylko zastosowany wtedy, gdy telefon został zrootowany za pomocą powyższego sposobu.

1. Ściągnij plik: DooMLoRD_v1_UNROOTING
2. Wypakowujemy pliki.
3. Uruchamiamy RUNME-UNROOT.bat i postępujemy zgodnie z instrukcją:

			Easy rooting toolkit (v1.0)
					  created by DooMLoRD
   based heavily on FlashTool scripts (by Bin4ry and Androxyde)
	Credits go to all those involved in making this possible!
[*] This script will:
	  (1) unroot ur device using special script
	  (2) remove Busybox and assocaited symlinks
	  (3) remove SU files and assocaiated data
[*] Before u begin:  
	  (1) make sure u have installed adb drivers for ur device
	  (2) enable "USB DEBUGGING"
			from (MenuSettingsApplicationsDevelopment)
	  (3) enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES"
			from (MenuSettingsApplications)
	  (4) [OPTIONAL] increase screen timeout to 10 minutes
	  (5) connect USB cable to PHONE and then connect to PC
	  (6) skip "PC Companion Software" prompt on device

Główny wątek - >

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Zakaz kopiowania poradnika bez mojej Zgody !!!

Edited by dante, 30 March 2012 - 05:51.
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#2 OFFLINE   Artheanos

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 15:27

do i have to uninstall my sd card?

#3 OFFLINE   Jurij

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 16:42

No, it does not matter at all.

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