Informacje o pliku
- Wysłano: Oct 11 2011 12:47
- Uaktualniono: Oct 11 2011 12:47
- Rozmiar pliku: 157.81MB
- Wyświetleń: 1564
- Pobrań: 47
Pobierz 0kti_modpack (7 wersji !!!)

18 flashmenu+themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
camdriver by strong v1.1
20 flashmenu+themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
camdriver by strong v1.1
28 flashmenu+themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
layout by 0kti
camdriver by strong v1.1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper
42 flashmenu + themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
layout by 0kti
camdriver by strong v1.1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Walkman Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys
64 flashmenu + themes
new WALKMAN splash by Sunrise
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
layout by 0kti
camdriver by strong v1.1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Walkman Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys (walkman na lewym przycisku i Manadżer plików na prawym, Srodkowy przycisk Logo Sony Ericsson)
display driver (jaśniejszy wyświetlacz)
87 flashmenu + themes
56 funlayers (funframes)
new SE Splash
W980i Acoustic V2.02 Mixed Desilver aka SE_GuRu edited by 0kti
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts edited by Lukasz93
layout by 0kti
C902 camdriver chombos1 v204 beta
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Windows7 Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys
display driver by rune
C902 Modded with:
100 flashmenu + themes
56 funlayers (funframes)
customize_upgrade with TV in multimedia, HSDPA option, techmode option, message settings with tabs
new SE Splash
SquaSh WBXML Acoustic by Leito07 V1.0 [BETA2]
delete content links
Segoe Print fonts
layout v2 by 0kti
C902 camdriver v2.1 by chombos1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Windows7 Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys
display driver by rune
new networks list (only polish added)
new system sounds (thanks to wal_duszek)
+ lighteffects
18 flashmenu+themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
camdriver by strong v1.1
20 flashmenu+themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
camdriver by strong v1.1
28 flashmenu+themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
layout by 0kti
camdriver by strong v1.1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper
42 flashmenu + themes
new splash screen
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
layout by 0kti
camdriver by strong v1.1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Walkman Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys
64 flashmenu + themes
new WALKMAN splash by Sunrise
w980 v3 loud acoustic
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts
layout by 0kti
camdriver by strong v1.1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Walkman Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys (walkman na lewym przycisku i Manadżer plików na prawym, Srodkowy przycisk Logo Sony Ericsson)
display driver (jaśniejszy wyświetlacz)
87 flashmenu + themes
56 funlayers (funframes)
new SE Splash
W980i Acoustic V2.02 Mixed Desilver aka SE_GuRu edited by 0kti
delete content links
QuillScript_SE fonts edited by Lukasz93
layout by 0kti
C902 camdriver chombos1 v204 beta
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Windows7 Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys
display driver by rune
C902 Modded with:
100 flashmenu + themes
56 funlayers (funframes)
customize_upgrade with TV in multimedia, HSDPA option, techmode option, message settings with tabs
new SE Splash
SquaSh WBXML Acoustic by Leito07 V1.0 [BETA2]
delete content links
Segoe Print fonts
layout v2 by 0kti
C902 camdriver v2.1 by chombos1
NowPlaying layout by DreamReaper v1.2
Windows7 Startup & Shotdown image
new softkeys
display driver by rune
new networks list (only polish added)
new system sounds (thanks to wal_duszek)
+ lighteffects
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